Screens and Pre-Teens

Screens are risky, and can get pre-teens into real trouble when used unsafely, but screens have enormous benefits too. How do you introduce screens safely to pre-teens to set them up right for their adolescent years? Get yourself back in the driver’s seat with Adrienne’s support using the wisdom from the Neufeld Institute around attachment and child development, alongside current best practice protocols around screen use. Relevant for parents of kids 5 – 12 years old

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Teens and their Screens

Teens are drawn to their screens like moths to a flame. They demand ever more screen-time telling us it “makes them happy” but their actions and behaviours are telling us the opposite. Teens now more than ever before struggle with anxiety, depression, suicidality and self-harm, and recent research shows there is a direct link between the time teens spend on their screens and plunging adolescent mental health. To learn how help your teen side-step the world of sexting, cyberbullying and gaming addiction, hear Adrienne Wood speak on the importance of helping rangatahi manage their digital world. Relevant for parents of tweens and teens 10 – 18 years old

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Making Sense of Anxious Children

Anxious children can be tricky to parent. Anxiety can be disguised as outbursts, moodiness, aggression and attention problems as well as fretfulness, phobias and panic. Adrienne will help attendees understand the root cause of anxiety and how to support anxious children through connecting and playful parenting.

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Teen Turbulence

When living with teens you’re bound to hit a bit of turbulence. They’re attracted to risk. They’re distracted from school. They’re prone to latching on to risky peer groups and risky online platforms. Adrienne will outline the instinctive drive underneath these concerning behaviours and explain how to shield your adolescent from emotional harm.

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Raising Resilient Kids

Some kids seem to thrive no matter what their circumstances are and others seem to struggle. How can we as parents ensure our kids have the resilience to weather out the tough times? Adrienne will describe the roots of resilience and the surprising solution we can offer to help them find their way through.

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Raising Resilient Teens

Teens often struggle with crises around friendships, schoolwork, moodiness and a sense of isolation. As parents and caregivers we are left wondering how we can help toughen them up to face life’s many difficulties. Adrienne will describe the roots of resilience and the surprising solution we can offer to help them find their way through.

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Play: Your Parent Superpower

Adrienne outlines how after years of working with parents of behaviourally complex children and teens she’s come to believe that if there is anything close to a silver bullet or a superpower to turn kids’ behaviour around, it is play. We simply need to understand it and harness its power. This presentation focusses on how play helps release emotion, which sits under most complex behaviour in children and teens.

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“I met you after your Teen Turbulence talk which, by the way, was life changing. I am so glad I came and learnt from you…”

- Event attendee

“I met you after your Teen Turbulence talk which, by the way, was life changing. I am so glad I came and learnt from you…”

- Event attendee

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